Access data

Access data shown on LandMark

LandMark seeks to work collaboratively with organizations that support our mission to defend the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities. To access LandMark's data and support our mission, please fill out the form below. Upon completion, you will be redirected to a page with links to the downloadable files.

Step 1

Select the datasets you would like to download

By selecting any of the following LandMark datasets, you agree to the specific licensing conditions associated with each dataset.

National-level data

National-level data are downloadable as zipped spreadsheets in Excel (xls) format; primary sources and methods for this data can be found on the National-level data and methods page.

Community-level data

All sources of Community level data on LandMark can be found on the Community-level data sources page.

Step 2

Enter details

The details we collect in this form help us ensure that our data is being used responsibly and in accordance with our data license. Please provide a detailed description of how you intend to use each dataset selected above.

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